Level UP! Training Module 2018 - ibex.

Level UP! Training Module 2018

May 08,2018
The year of 2018 came up with many New Year Resolutions and plans and so did the OD Department of Ibex. To meet the new challenges & acquaint the supervisors with the required skills, Level UP was born. Level UP consists of 2 levels i.e. Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 talks about the Role of a supervisor, Communication Skills (Verbal & Non- Verbal) and Coaching with Results. Level 2 talks about Leadership Codes and Emotional Intelligence in which the science behind leadership and millennials is discussed along with some self – assessment, and steps to be more Emotionally Intelligent. The trainees enjoyed the sessions as it was decked up with many interactive activities. The moments of self-realization were one of the best moments to witness. Overall, it was an amazing learning experience for the trainees and the trainer both with lots of fun at the same time. Contributed By: Taleaa Ghori Analyst Organizational Development - Pk Site

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